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As I say goodbye to this year , I can truly say it’s been a great year. Lots of good things to remember! Ofcourse life comes with many challenges but it is all how you handle them. Use them to your advantage and allow for them to help you grow in all season and you won't regret it!

Jesus answered many prayers for me and my family. Let me list them here for you as my way of boasting on the Lord and His faithfulness. He is real and let me tell you, even when you don’t think He is listening He is! Jesus has always taken good care of me all of these years of my life. I saw him cover me as a teenager, as a young adult, a single adult and now a married adult. I can truly say Jesus is true and so loving and graceful to me and my family.

Psalm 119:90 Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you establish the earth, and it endures.

1) I prayer for my husband to get first shift and after years of praying he started out January of 2019 on first shift! God had grace on him on third shift but God made a way!

2) I prayed for God to bring clarity in the area of business and he sure has ! Great things in store for 2020!

3) I prayed for healing in my family and let me tell you Jesus has done wonders like never before! What a unity! We are all growing and learning each other in new ways! What a beautiful story!

4) I prayed for different shift at work so that my husband and I can be on a more consistent schedule and God answered that prayer! I started a new shift on December 9th!

5) We prayed for John to get his citizenship and he did on July 7th!

6) I prayed for clarity for the gift of writing and I started my blog on May 1st of 2019!

7) I prayed to be able to take my husband to Puerto Rico to meet my family as he was not able to because of Hurricane Maria in September of 2017. I was so happy he was able to meet everyone.

I will leave you with this. May your new year be productive and may you achieve all of your goals but more importantly may you find your purpose on this earth. I pray that you find your purpose to fulfill your destiny. Let Jesus invade your life and let him lead you in the path that he has for you. He is the only one who satisfies a longing heart and when I was lost, when I felt unloved and in so much pain, My God was there to see me through it all each and every time. My life is his and I will forever testify of his goodness!

I pray that if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and savior that you get to know him and allow him to be Lord in your life. I know people talk a lot about tomorrows..."ill do this tomorrow, ill do that tomorrow" but time is never promised and life is short. Use the time you have and be wise with each moment.

James 4:14 Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

Much love to you

Happy New Year Ya'll

p.s. feels so good to write again and I will be more consistent this new year promise! blessings.

Shanyse Nicole

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